Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Have Banjo, Need Bluegrass"

I was at my desk when I received an unusual phone call from Larry Greenlund - he needed directions to Sawmill Point Marina.

I pride myself on my excellent 'direction-giving-skills', so I jumped at the opportunity with the obvious, "where are you?" - expecting something along the lines of 'Market Street or College Road' - instead he replied, "I'm on the Waterway, I think I just passed Topsail Sound and I'm headed South."

"You're on a boat?!" - I don't know why I was so surprised, but it wasn't the response I had anticipated from my caller.

Sure enough, late that afternoon, the 'Sea Horse' slipped alongside face dock #29 and seemed quite content to be a little further South and enjoying the Wilmington sunset over the Cape Fear.

'Sea Horse' is a 42’ Krogen trawler. Larry Greenlund and his “first mate”, Bonnie Lohmeyer, braved frigid temps, ice and an electrical fire underway to the Florida Keys. They left Cambridge, MD on the Choptank River December 30th and spent New Year’s Eve anchored in the Chesapeake Bay.

Unfortunately, New Year’s Day they had a fire in the electric panel which held them up for 4 days in Virginia. Sea Horse then became an “Ice Breaker” as they traveled south along the ICWW in search of warmer weather.

When I stepped into the wheelhouse, I noticed Larry's banjo. He asked if there were any good places to listen to bluegrass in town and I assured him we had an excellent bluegrass scene, I just wasn't sure what was going to be open on a Monday night though...

Later that week, Larry flew back to Washington (State) where he is an engineer for the state ferries in the San Juan Islands and Bonnie returned to the Eastern Shore of Maryland where she works for a real estate company.

They plan to return to Wilmington in February, spend some time in the area and relax for awhile before continuing south.

From Larry via email, "We feel so lucky to have the good folks at Sawmill Marina looking after our boat while we return to our jobs."

Well Larry and Bonnie, we're glad to have you and 'Sea Horse' - and don't worry, I've already called the Rusty Nail, open mike nights are Tuesdays at 8!

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